Up: Database Types [Contents][Index]
typedef struct blonde_detail_type { const char *dial, *path; unsigned least, store; void *error, *trans; } blonde_detail_type;
The record sets up a database opening.
See blonde_init_detail.
The fields that are always interpreted are:
the message log file path. No message log is written if the field is
. For this library version, most logged messages are coming from
the disk transfer pager. Logging visibly slows down database operation.
the database files path prefix. It should be a valid regular file path, though the indicated file need not exist. The names of the actual database files will be created by appending suffixes (possibly including the null suffix) to it.
The fields that are interpreted if so requested are:
the error recorder
the minimum picked free space in the store file, in 64 kilobytes multiples
the maximum cache size, in 64 kilobytes multiples
See Limiting Cache Size.
the memory allocator