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6.2.2 blonde_fgxq_minute

extern int blonde_fgxq_minute
    (void *, const void *, unsigned, void **, unsigned *, const void **,
     unsigned *);

The function searches the $1 in-memory table for the first greater than the $3 long $2 key and upon success stores the address of the associated data at $4 and the data size at $5, the address of the found key at $6 and its length at $7. No data address and size are stored (and no long data is read) if $4 is NULL, no key address and length are stored of $6 is NULL. The stored memory locations are internal to the in-memory table and will be overwritten or invalidated by subsequent library calls.

The function returns 0 for look up success and an error code descriptive of the failure condition, with BLONDE_MINUTE_MISS_CLASS indicating a look up failure.

See Data Error Definitions.